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  1. "Personal Pension Investments and the Role of Financial Literacy"

    • ADBI-Japan-OECD High-Level Global Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 2015.

  2. Moderator Panel on Behavioral Finance

    • Women’s Private Equity Conference, Washington, D.C. 2014. 

  3. “Behavioral Finance, Financial Literacy and Communications”

    • Melbourne Financial Services Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, 2012.

  4.  “Behavioral Finance, Financial Literacy and Communications”

    • ​ Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association Academic Forum, Boston, MA, 2011

  5. “Behavioral Finance and Investment Decisions”

    •  IFTA Conference, Berlin, Germany 2010.

  6. “Behavior Patterns of the Retirement Investor: Lessons from Academia.”

    • MFEA Retirement Investment and Income Executive Council Forum, Boston, MA, 2010.

  7.  “Behavioral Finance in Retirement Savings: The Role of Choices and Framing in Decision Making.”

    • ​AARP Retirement Income Summit, Washington, D.C., 2009

  8.  “Retirement Plans and Behavioral Finance: New Lessons from Academia.”

    • Central Virginia Employee Benefits Council, Richmond, VA, 2009.

  9.  “Lessons from the U.S.: Gender, Savings and Defined Contribution Plans.”

    • The World Bank Workshop on Sharing the Growth Dividend: Women in the ECA Region, Washington, D.C., 2008.

  10. “Annuities and Behavioral Finance.”

    • TIAA-CREF Institutes Fellows Symposiums, New York, NY, 2007. 

  11.  “Behavioral Finance and 401(k) Plans.” 

    • ​Florida West Coast Employee Benefits Council Dinner, Tampa, FL, 2006. 

  12. “Recent Trends in Behavioral Finance.” 

    • Richmond Estate Planning Council, Richmond, VA, 2005.  

  13.  “What’s New from the Ivory Tower?”

    • 401(k) Summit, San Diego, CA, 2005

  14.  “Delivery of Participant Services and Education.” 

    • 401(k) Summit, San Diego, CA, 2005.

  15.  “Investment Trends in 401(k) Plans and Plan Design.”

    • National Pension Specialists Meeting, Williamsburg, VA, 2003.

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